Modern Marvels: Metal Worksheet

Modern Marvels: Metal Worksheet Movie Summary: Metal constitutes the very essence of the modern world; the cadence of our progress sounds in the measured ring of the blacksmith's hammer. From soaring skyscrapers and sturdy bridges to jet planes and rockets, metals play a key role. Our... (more details for Modern Marvels: Metal*)

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File #3076 Info: Created by D. Hoshaw on March 03, 2017 using Illinois State standards for students at a grade 9-10 level.


File #2909 Info: Created by Maya Heissenbuttel on January 10, 2016 using Washington State standards for students at a grade level.


File #1966 Info: Created by Jeff Rodriguez on March 16, 2012 using Connecticut State standards for students at a grade 9-10 level.